Excellent Japanese guitarist and composer Takumi Seino (a graduate of the Berklee College of Music), is an independent musician who followed successively for years following their own path. It operates independently pursuing in various configurations and he takes care of the production of their albums, from mixes, and ending at independently designed album covers.
In 2014, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Big Apple jazz club located in Kobe on Honshu island, which Seino years is related to the artist released the album "
Book of Apple " cycle completed 25 thumbnails solo music played on various types of guitars. The album turned out to be so interesting release that after five years of Takumi Seino decided to return to this project, this time adding splendor to the next album celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Big Apple. Analogously album fills the mold, this time consisting of 30 instrumental reasons, forming a coherent whole addictive.
Artist reaching various guitars (acoustic, electric and rarer low-tuned guitar baritone), takes us on a journey painted unreal sound fascinating sounds. Individual songs are mostly not exceeding two minutes, it often only brief impressions. However, they made on the disc as a whole constitute a conceptual terms of dramatic form.
Beautiful motifs played on classical guitar fit the particular nature of the album, are interspersed with improvisations and creative sound experiments ( " BA - 26 "), which constitute not only an excellent cutscenes, but which are in themselves attractive closed tracks.
Seino reaches the songs are also known from his previous albums, revealing their new faces. These include "
Arabesque " ( "
Flower Flows ", 2013), the title theme from the previous album ( "
Path of June ", 2018), which, like the panel in question was dominated by songs revolving around classical guitar music. It seems that this formula most clearly exposes the extraordinary technical capabilities of music, which combines an excellent way Seino with a kind of musical transcendence and spiritualization.
It is in this convention, fully reveals the incredible imagination of a Japanese virtuoso and the gift of creating his playing unreal climate. We see that even in electronics subtly decorated with composition " Stone Pavement ," or beautiful miniatures " Tarascon - Day Dream " and " Fable ."
Featuring stunning guitar technique, despite its extremely wide range of activities including achievements in a variety of compositions and configurations, he developed a unique personal musical language.
" Piled Distance " is the tenth album of Takumi Seino what I had to know. Still, each time when Japan I realize a new album this unique artist, I spend many hours with him marveling at reaching every sound from the speakers. The more albums that Takumi Seino characterized by exceptional care about the technical quality of the sound.
The album was released November 23, 2019.
Robert Ratajczak